Thursday, July 8, 2010


i just got home from almost a week away (more on that to come) and came home to a bounteous harvest from my garden.

sugar snap peas

the last of my spinach.

and carrots galore. these suckers are hard to harvest. i had to really dig around them to loosen up the soil before i could finally pull them out. and even then (as you can see), i had a few casualties.

this was a fun one to dig up.

i am looking forward to more of the same, as well as some new veggies. zucchinis are coming and i know they will be huge in the blink of an eye. the peppers are starting to change color and the tomatoes are fruiting, but not ripe yet. those can't come fast enough. everything else is still coming along. sick of hearing about it yet? just wait until the fruit trees give me something to talk about...

1 comment:

Diane said...

It looks so delicious I want to pull them out of my computer screen and eat them. You really have a green thumb.