Friday, January 23, 2009

knitting randy's hat

it's been a couple days since i've posted because i've been busy knitting a hat for randy. we went and he picked out the yarn on monday and i've been knitting a lot since then.

i've learned a lot from this project. like the fact that gauge matters. and when you don't pay as close of attention to gauge as you should, the hat turns out too big (this is indicative of my general attitude towards crafts - power through them and everything will be just fine). i actually discovered this long before the hat was done, but randy said he didn't care that much, so i kept going. when i got to the end though, i ran out of yarn four rows from the top. i realize that i could have bought more yarn, but instead, i decided to start over. so... i unraveled the hat and started over. i actually don't mind too much. i had a few issues the first time around (besides the hat being too big), so it will be nice to fix those this time around. it's been a good learning project.

once again, my lovely model:

a vent?

starting over.

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