Monday, September 10, 2007

the nervous amateur blogger

well, here we go. this is my first post. it is overdue. our blog has been sitting here, postless, for about 2 weeks. i would like to say that it has been in this sorry state for so long because i have been busy, or perhaps because i was too technologically challenged to figure out how to post something. alas, with the full disclosure that a blog deserves, i have to admit that these are not the reasons for our blog's silent state.

i'm not that busy at all. i work for the government and come home around 4:30 most days, leaving my work at the office. now that randy is back in school, he is busy studying or practicing when i get home, and i am left to my own devices. don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining about my new-found free time, i'm just explaining that constant occupation is not the reason for the silence.

in all honesty, i have not posted to the blog out of fear. fear that i would not be funny enough, that i would not be insightful enough, and that my pictures would not be good enough. in fact, one of the main reasons that i have been avoiding our blog is because i don't have any pictures to post right now. and let's face it: one of the main reasons that people go to blogs is to peruse pictures. and with the news thati am pregnant, i have had several requests for pictures of me with a belly.

however, pictures or not, i decided that i needed to post SOMETHING to get over my fear of being a blogger. and so, with this initial blog post out of the way, i should be able to get going with things. i will try to post pictures soon, but until then this will have to suffice.


elnaclark said...

So far, so good. You are funny and insightful! We are anxiously awaiting pictures, though.

Nicole S said...

Yes, you are funny and insightful. I used to crave your wisdom words back in Chatham....and still do:)

natalie said...

Just keep writing debby. You are known (as Nicole said) for saying the best things at the perfect time.