Sunday, December 29, 2013

christmas eve pictures

last year, i took a family picture of us in front of the tree on christmas eve. it wasn't awesome, but i thought it might be fun to attempt it again, with the kids in their christmas jammies.

unfortunately, i didn't write down the settings i used on the camera last year (not that they were amazing or anything) and i didn't get a chance to sit down and play with it before i was trying to pose the family in front of the tree after the kids already should have been in bed (big mistake), so randy ended up comandeering the camera and trying to figure stuff out. we were all kind of frustrated by the time we actually took any pictures, so when they didn't really turn out the way i had hoped (at all), i didn't press the issue and try to take any more. so, they are what they are, bad exposure and all. maybe next year i'll figure it out before the eleventh hour and maybe i'll pay attention to the background a little more. maybe. 

you want to see what the photo shoot looked like anyway? the director's cut? the blooper reel? of course you do.


Lucy said...

This is a great post! I laughed at your commentary at the beginning. Isn't this just the essence of motherhood? We win some, we lose some. These pictures are fun, and really some of the totally work when cropped right. Good job!

Diane said...

That first family photo is great. I bet photoshop can fix lighting.

I think it is our family challenge to someday have a picture in front of the tree that works. We didn't get a single shot this year. I told a friend: not the merriest of years this year, but full of many blessings.