Saturday, June 8, 2013

when i am thirty, i shall wear lipstick

for several years now, i've been telling myself that i will start to (occasionally) wear lipstick when i turn thirty. it was a way of giving myself a deadline to get over my fear of wearing lipstick. as with many other things, it's something that i love on other women but feel silly wearing myself (see also fun scarfs, bright colors, and bold patterns). 

well, i turned thirty today. 

i waited until yesterday, but i finally went out and bought some bright red lipstick. probably not the best way to ease into it, but i figured that i might as well go big or go home.   

and this morning, i donned the mark of my thirties. i took a few pictures, jonathan stared and poked at my lips, diane told me that she liked my bright lips, and madeleine asked why i was wearing lipstick.

i have yet to go out in public wearing it. we have a ward function tonight and i will probably take it off before then. baby steps. but my goal is to wear it at least once a month and we'll see where we go from there. maybe once a week in my forties?


beth said...

Happy birthday! And lovely lips!

R said...

Picking a red is so hard! I still haven't found one that I like... how did you pull off such a fantastic find with your first purchase? And it looks great! You should really go for it.

Michelle said...

You are stunningly beautiful!! And the lipstick looks great on you!!! It took me a long time to wear lipstick too. I started with chapstick, then lipgloss and finally lipstick. How can you possibly be 30! That means I am much more than 30... Happy Birthday darling girl!!

abigail said...

I LOVE it!!! Happy Birthday Debra!