Monday, October 17, 2011

all is safely gathered in

it's over. my larder is full and canning season is over.

my big canning pot is back in storage and will not be coming out again until next may at the earliest. canning season has been a long one this year, but it has been fruitful and we went out with a bang this year.

randy's parents came to town this weekend and even though we took some time to do fun things, we took most of the day saturday to can applesauce. randy's parents are going to stop coming to visit if we keep working them this hard (in my defense, jeanie suggested it.)

we had quite the assembly line going. randy and his mom were manning the apple/peeler/corer/slicers and randy's dad and i were cleaning up with paring knifes and cutting the apples to size for cooking the applesauce. once we had three big stockpots full, we would cook them, fill the cans and process. repeat several times. we processed cans all day.

even though it took most of the day, we really did make quick work of it and having randy's parents here was so helpful. i just imagine randy and i doing this alone and i cringe at the thought. and most of the time was spent processing. the actually cutting apples, etc. went quickly with the four of us.

we ended up with 56 quarts worth of applesauce. jeanie took some for herself, but left the lion's share for me. we are set for the winter and i am so excited to have homemade applesauce. it turned out really well. last year, i did some, but not nearly enough and we were rationing ourselves. even then, we ran out in december. hopefully we make it all the way to next year this year.

i didn't take too many pictures because i was busy making applesauce. i wish i had gotten a few more. oh well. i did manage to get a few more pictures from the weekend. these are jeanie and madeleine making some fun halloween treats:

all in all we had a great weekend. thanks for coming and working so hard, mom and dad.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Great weekend! Thanks for sharing Bob and Jeanie with us yesterday.