Tuesday, June 2, 2009

it's that time of year again...

where you get more posts about my garden than you ever realized you needed.

i just planted my garden yesterday and am so excited to start harvesting. i'm growing a lot of the same stuff as last year: zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and basil. but, i've sacrificed one zucchini plant to make room for a cantaloupe plant. i'm a little worried that i won't have as much zucchini as i would like, but am excited for the cantaloupe.



it helps to have a brother-in-law who has a greenhouse and can grow starts for you. i'm not sure i'm ready for seed planting yet in my vegetable garden. i planted some poppies from seed in the front yard planter a couple weeks ago and gave up on them after the second day when i didn't see any progress. now, i think that they may be coming up, but i'm still not sure they're not just weeds. seeds involve too much patience without enough quick visual results.

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