Monday, October 8, 2007

a fun-filled weekend

we had a great weekend this past weekend with lots of family time. randy's parents and his brother's family were in town for randy's uncle's wedding, as well as other extended family that also travelled here for the wedding.

we kicked off the wedding festivities with a wedding dinner for the family on thursday night, followed by ice skating at the olympic oval. i decided against ice skating, seeing as my balance isn't great even when i'm not pregnant, and the consequences of falling are a little more severe right now. randy looked great on the ice though, with his in-line skating skills from his elementary school and junior high years coming back to him quickly.

friday continued on with more wedding festivities and more time with family. we went to the sealing, which was wonderful, followed by pictures outside the temple, and then we headed up to the reception. unfortunately, about half way through the pictures, it started raining, which continued on throughout the night. fortunately, the reception venue was prepared for the rain and everything was still beautiful.

on saturday, randy and i were able to go to the saturday afternoon session of general conference with randy's parents. for some reason the rain seems to slow everything down, but we finally got in and in our seats and enjoyed actually being in the conference center to see the session.

randy and his dad stayed up in salt lake for the priesthood session and mom and i headed down to orem for a bridal shower that "i" was throwing for beth. i pretty much didn't do anything for it. my mom and audrey sent out the invitations and got the food ready, and my aunt was kind enough to host it at her house (since ours was a little small for the guest list) and also provide delicious food. i didn't even plan any games or activities. being the low-key host that i am, the shower pretty much just consisted of sitting around, eating really good food, and talking, which is all anyone really wants to do anyway, right?

we spent sunday at my parent's house watching conference and relaxing. randy's parents also came over and we had a big birthday dinner for randy. i must have gained 10 pounds this weekend with all of the food that we ate, but it was well worth it. fortunately, it all blends in with the baby (for now).

i was sad to see the weekend end. i love conference weekend and the opportunity to hear from the church leaders and be inspired to improve and strengthen my testimony of the savior. conference weekend never seems long enough. i was also sad to see family leave and to head back to our quiet little house in provo, where i have to do the cooking.

here are some pictures from the weekend:

randy getting ready to try some speed skating

calli and carston waiting outside the temple (with some mystery nymph child from the bride's side of the family)

okay, these next people actually had nothing to do with our wedding party, and i have no idea who they are, but i was fascinated with how large this groom's boutonniere was. i couldn't help but take a picture of it to preserve the memory. and trust me, the picture doesn't even do it justice. i couldn't seem to get the right angle, and i think that his bride was starting to get suspicious that some random woman was following her new husband around, taking pictures of him. this truly was the largest boutonniere i have ever seen.

kyle, dad, and randy

randy and me

1 comment:

natalie said...

What a fun weekend! Thank you for posting a pic of that boutonniere.That was rediculous! Randy looks just like his Dad. Those are some strong family genes!