Wednesday, October 1, 2008

madeleine figures out clapping

randy and i have both been trying to teach madeleine to clap for months now and she has basically let us know that she will clap when she feels like it. today, madeleine finally felt like clapping on her own. she's actually done a few random claps here and there before, but never consistent clapping. but today, i had billy joel on while i was making dinner and madeleine started clapping. it kind of reminded me of the movie, "the jerk," with steve martin, where he has no rhythm until he started listening to hokey music on the radio and was suddenly able to clap along. maybe all of that classical music just hasn't made madeleine feel like clapping.

the more likely explanation is that madeleine picked up clapping from a little boy in our ward that i was watching this morning while his mom went to an appointment. he was clapping a bunch and every time he did it, madeleine would just stare at him. who knows, maybe it had nothing to do with that. regardless, madeleine is now clapping and of course, i video taped it.

forgive the first video where i forgot that it was turned on its side for a few seconds. this is what reminded me of steve martin.

and here is another short clip of it up close:

1 comment:

Melissa B said...

So cute! I love it when they figure out something new. Chase claps at everything. Tessa never clapped, so I really feel like I missed out. I think Chase is making up for that!