Wednesday, May 25, 2011


some of my greatest joys, as well as my deepest disappointments, come from gardening. i planted my garden in the evening yesterday. i carefully checked the weather forecast and it looks like i am in the clear for planting. just to be safe though, i covered the smallest plants to protect the from the cold.

because i didn't think it was going to snow last year and it did.

everything went into shock as soon as i planted. which i knew would happen. i just hate to see it happen. it causes all of this angst, inner turmoil, and pessimism within me. plus, i kept waking up in the middle of the night and wondering how they were doing.

i am way too emotionally invested in this for it to be healthy.

i woke up this morning and went to check on the plants. some of them look great and they should pull through just fine. some not so much. are they still in shock? i haven't been doing this for long enough to know when i should give up hope.

i'm not optimistic about my cucumbers (i think that the key is to plant them before the starts get too big? so the broad leaves don't droop on the ground and get stuck to the soil? is this making any sense?)

the zucchini look like they'll pull through. surprisingly, most of the tomatoes look like they will, too. but my juliets are droopier than i'd like and they're impossible to buy starts for. the abe lincolns look dead. not mostly dead, but dead. and i'm not surprised. i had such hope for them when i bought them. the name alone was so promising. but the starts have struggled since the beginning and i'm not shocked (get it?) to see them like they are. there are two other tomato plants (can't remember which variety) that look dead too, but we're just going to have to wait it out. hopefully they pull through.

good thing i planted 16 tomato plants.

see what i mean? so many emotions in gardening. it's that season again.

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