Wednesday, March 23, 2011

quilt top finished

i got my sampler quilt top finished a few weeks ago and am just now getting around to posting it (notice a theme?). this is actually not how i planned to put it together. i wanted to have strips of sashing fabric between each square to make each one pop, but after an hour and a half in the fabric store, trying to find sashing to put between the squares, it just wasn't happening. none of the fabrics worked. i decided that even though i wanted the squares to stand out more, i would rather have it be a little mushy than have sashing fabric that i wasn't happy with.

so here it is. all put together. now i have two quilt tops that i need to pin and quilt. one of these days.


Diane said...

No mush here. It's stunning.

Liz said...

It it amazing and beautiful! Congratulations.

While looking at it the thought actually crossed my mind that I might enjoy quilting. I quickly came back to reality, but seeing the end result really makes the effort seem worth it.

Michelle said...

Nicely done! I really like it!!! You had a great teacher.