Friday, March 11, 2011

carl bloch exhibit

byu's museum of art has a carl bloch exhibit going on right now. randy and i have been meaning to go for quite a while now and finally made it a couple weeks ago. it was an amazing experience. 

byu has had bloch's "christ healing the sick at bethesda" for a while now. they actually acquired it during my freshman year and the painting has always had a special place in my heart. but this year, the museum has several of bloch's other altar paintings on loan from denmark in a special exhibit that will be in the museum for a short period of time. 

randy and i went on a saturday night and it was pretty crowded. the museum has ipad rentals with information about the pieces that you can walk around with and randy and i were going to rent them, but decided that the line was too long. i was actually really glad that we didn't have the ipads. i think that they would have detracted from looking at the actual artwork. i only wish that it would have been a little less crowded and think that i will try to go back again during a less busy time.

i've tried to write about art before and i'm just plain bad at it. so, i will refrain from detail. but the artwork was beautiful and moving. his depictions of the savior are really incredible.

as you walk into the exhibit, there is a quote from a danish writer that says, "he dipped his brush in his heart." i think that is a perfect way to say it.

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