Friday, January 7, 2011

the hazards of nap time

lately, i have been putting diane down in her room for naps and having madeleine take a nap either in my bed or the bed in our spare room. diane is a sensitive sleeper and it makes for better naps for everyone.

but today, madeleine was going down for a nap first (which is rare), the spare bedroom was freezing, and i wanted to get things done in our room. so i put madeleine in her own bed and then tried to sneak in and put diane down a little later.

it turns out that madeleine was not asleep yet. and diane didn't go down without a fight, so madeleine started singing really loudly to calm her down. it actually did calm diane down, so i decided to see how all of this played out (i was listening over the monitor). madeleine sang for quite a while and then it went quiet. i figured that this meant that they had miraculously both gone to sleep. i should have known better.

a few minutes later, i hear madeleine say, "hold still, diane." only imagining what could be going on, i ran into their room to find madeleine in diane's crib with her, diane completely stripped down to her diaper, and madeleine trying to put a pair of pants (that had previously been in the dresser) on diane's head.

let's just say nap time did not go well today and madeleine will resume sleeping in a remote location immediately.


megan... said...

"hold still diane" - so many things flashed through my mind... at least it was pants she found and not the butt paste...

Diane said...

And so it goes...
I'm still laughing.